Up to $300 Off Flights + Cruises from JetBlue Vacations

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Use these JetBlue Vacations promo codes to save $50, $150, or $300 on flight / cruise packages

If you’re thinking about a cruise, it’s definitely worth it to incorporate these JetBlue Vacations promo codes into your price searches and planning. You can save up to $300 on flight / cruise packages and you get to fly on JetBlue, famous for its roomier seats and awesome in-flight entertainment. In case you’ve never experienced it, comfortable flights are a great way to start and end a cruise.

Once you’ve accessed the deal on the JetBlue website, enter your trip details in the search form at the top of the page. You’ll see a list of promo codes lower down the page. Find the code that matches your spend amount to save $50 when you spend $2,000; $150 when you spend $3,500; or $300 when you spend $6,000.

All packages include cruise fare and round-trip flights with a free in-flight drink. Flight + cruise packages aren’t covered under JetBlue Vacations’ free cancellation policy.

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