A quick guide to Hertz CDP codes and RQ codes

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Like other car rental companies, Hertz has more than one type of discount code, and some of them can be used simultaneously. Some codes, like promo codes, are available to everyone. Other codes, like Hertz CDP codes, are restricted to certain companies or organizations. The 5 primary kinds of discount codes Hertz uses are CDP codes, PC codes, RQ codes, CV codes, and IT codes.

CDP codes

CDP codes are one of Hertz’s two main types of discount codes. CDP stands for “Counter Discount Program”, but is also sometimes referred to as “Corporate Discount Program” or “club” codes. Hertz uses CDP codes to apply contracted corporate and business rates to rentals. CDP codes are also used for travel club and credit card discount programs.

Hertz issues an exclusive CDP code to each business or organization it has a contract with. CDP codes are numerical, between 1 and 10 digits in length.

PC codes

Hertz’s version of promo codes re called PC codes, short for “Promotion Coupon” or “Promotional Coupon”. PC codes are six-digit codes that apply discounts for special offers or promotions.

RQ codes

Hertz RQ codes are Rate Codes that provide discounts on standard leisure rates. RQ codes are numerical, between 4 and 6 digits in length.

CV codes

Hertz CV codes refer to Convention Numbers, which provide contracted, discounted rates for meetings, conferences, and conventions.

IT codes

IT codes are alpha-numeric Voucher Codes associated with the Hertz Gold Plus Rewards loyalty program. IT codes are used to claim free days and other rewards.

Can I use more than one Hertz discount code at the same time?

Yes. Depending on the types of codes used, it’s possible to “stack” or use multiple Hertz codes simultaneously in order to get a bigger discount.

– CDP codes can be stacked with a PC, RQ, or CV code.
– PC codes can be stacked with a CDP or RQ code.
– RQ codes can be stacked with a CDP or PC code.
– CV codes can be stacked with a CDP or RQ code.

How to enter Hertz discount codes

Adding discount codes to a Hertz reservation is simple. Just click the “Add a Discount Code” link as shown in the image below.

How to enter a Hertz discount code: click the Add a Discount Code link

Determine which type of Hertz discount code(s) you have, then enter them into the corresponding field(s) and click “Apply”.

How to enter a Hertz discount code: enter the CDP code or other code into the appropriate field

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

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