How to cancel a flight and request a refund

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You can find some great flight deals on, but it’s important to know about potential fees and other cancellation policies before you buy. Read on to learn about cancelling a flight on, including fees, refunds, how to find cancellation policies before and after booking, and the procedures to cancel your flight and see the refund status. Flight Cancellation and Refund Policies

Can I cancel a flight ticket from and get a refund?

You can cancel any flight ticket purchased from Cancelled flight tickets may be eligible to receive a full refund, partial refund, or no refund depending on airline policies and rules.

If the ticket you need to cancel is non-refundable, you still may be able to change the flight to a different date or destination, either for free or by paying a fee, again depending on the fare rules.

You may also be able to convert the unused portion of your ticket to a credit good toward future travel. You can access flight ticket rules and policies on the detail page for your booking. 24-hour flight cancellation policy does not have an explicit policy that permits flight cancellations within 24 hours for a full refund. However, on some flights, offers the option to cancel within 24 hours for free, as shown in the screenshot below. allows you to cancel some flights within 24 hours for free and receive a full refund allows some flight cancellations within 24 hours of purchase for free flight cancellation fee charges a fee to cancel some flights but permits other flights to be cancelled for free, with the ticket eligible for a full refund. The amount of the fee, if any, varies by flight. is fairly transparent about fees during the booking process, as long as you take a moment to read the fine print. Here’s what to know:

If the flight you purchased is non-refundable and doesn’t allow changes, you won’t receive a refund when you cancel but you won’t be charged any additional fees.

If the flight ticket is fully refundable, typically does not charge an additional fee.

For partially refundable flight tickets where the airline charges a fee, may or may not charge an additional fee to cancel the booking.

You can easily see if there are cancellation fees associated with any flights during the booking process (see below). If you’ve already booked, you can check fare rules and refund policies in your flight booking itinerary. See the instructions and screenshots in the next section for an example.

How to see cancellation policies and fees before booking

You can view the flight ticket policies and fare rules on during the booking process. Here’s how.

1. Search for flights by entering the desired destination, dates, and number of passengers.

How to see flight change and cancellation policies and fees during booking, step 1: Search for flights

2. On the results page, select the desired outbound flights.

How to see flight change or cancel policies and fees during booking, step 2: Select outbound flights
Select outbound flights

3. On the return flights page, click the “Select” button next to each set of flights to open baggage, changes, and cancellation rules.

How to see flight change or cancel policies and fees during booking, step 3: Select return flights
Select flight to view cancellation rules and fees

4. Click the type of cancellation offered (“Free”, “Non-refundable”, “From $xxx”) to see policies and fees associated with cancelling the flight ticket.

How to cancel flights, step 2: View cancellation fees and policies flight cancellation and change policies

5. Check the “Additional Information” section to see if will charge a fee to cancel the flight.

Find cancellation fees in the “Additional Information” section

How to see cancellation policies and fees after booking

To see cancellation fees and policies for flights that have already been booked, go to the bookings page and locate the reservation. Then select “Cancellation and Change Policies”.

How to cancel flights: View cancellation policies after booking
View cancellation policies and fees after booking

How do I cancel a flight on

To cancel a flight booking on, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your list of bookings. Locate the booking you wish to cancel and select it to see cancellation policies, fees, and options.
  2. Click “Cancel”, then select the passengers and flights you wish to cancel.
  3. Check refund status in the “Refund Notices” and “Estimated Refund” sections (see screenshot below).

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