How to earn United miles for Lufthansa flights

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When you buy flights from Lufthansa, you earn miles with its Miles & More frequent flyer program based on the cost of the airfare. The same holds true with United Airlines and its MileagePlus frequent flyer program. However, if you buy flights from Lufthansa and credit them to your United MileagePlus account, you’ll earn miles based on the distance you fly. Read on to learn how to add MileagePlus information to Lufthansa flights, how to tell if your flights are eligible, and how many miles each booking class earns.

Can I earn United miles for Lufthansa flights?

Yes. When you purchase eligible flights on, you can earn United MileagePlus miles based on the actual distance flown, rather than the cost of the airfare.

Are United Airlines and Lufthansa partners?

Yes. United Airlines and Lufthansa are codeshare partners, which operate, market, and sell flights for one another. Both are members of Star Alliance.

How do I add Lufthansa flights to my United MileagePlus account?

You can credit Lufthansa flights to your United MileagePlus account during the booking process or up to 12 months after the flights.

How to add United MileagePlus account when booking Lufthansa flights

Here’s how to credit Lufthansa miles to your United MileagePlus account during the booking process on On the passenger details, page, click the “Add frequent flyer card” box, then select Mileage Plus from the dropdown list. Enter your MileagePlus number and continue the booking process.

how to add Lufthansa flights to United account

How to add Lufthansa flights to your United MileagePlus account after the flights

You can request to add Lufthansa flights to a United MileagePlus account after the flights within 12 months of the flight dates. Log into your MileagePlus account, then use this form to request the mileage credit.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your 13-digit ticket number. You may be asked for additional information which you can find on your boarding pass stub and / or ticket receipt.

How can I tell if my Lufthansa flights are eligible to earn United MileagePlus miles?

Tickets purchased from are eligible to earn United MileagePlus miles based on the distance flown and the booking class. The mileage earnings rate for each booking class are shown below.

Ticket numbers beginning with “016” that were purchased from or directly from United Airlines by phone or in person are NOT eligible to earn miles based on flight distance. In this case, even though the flights may be operated by Lufthansa, you’ll earn miles based on the ticket price instead.

How many United miles do Lufthansa flights earn?

The number of United miles earned for Lufthansa flights depends on the airfare booking class. Generally, the more expensive the airfare, the higher the booking class and the more miles earned. All mileage earnings are based on actual miles flown.

[ Need more United miles? Buy, subscribe, or multiply MileagePlus miles ]

Different Lufthansa booking classes earn United miles at different rates. The table below shows United MileagePlus earnings rates for all Lufthansa fare classes, including service class and fare class bonuses. If the fare class isn’t included below, it does not earn miles.

Class of servicePurchased fare classAward mile earnings
(including fare class bonus)
FirstF, A200%
BusinessJ, C, D200%
Discount BusinessZ150%
Deep discount BusinessP100%
Premium EconomyG, E150%
Discount Premium EconomyN100%
Full-fare EconomyY, B150%
EconomyM, H, U100%
Discount EconomyQ, V, W75%
Deep discount EconomyS, T, L50%
Deepest discount EconomyK25%
No mileage creditI, O, R, X0%

How can I find my booking class on

We’ve got instructions for finding the booking classes of Lufthansa flights here.

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