How to cancel Lufthansa flights and request a refund

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Cancelling a flight can be stressful, especially when you’re not sure about the airline’s cancellation and refund policies. If you need to cancel a flight on Lufthansa, this guide will show you how to do it quickly and easily. We’ll also help you figure out if your ticket is eligible for a refund and explain how to request one if so.

The information on this page pertains to flights that have been purchased directly from Lufthansa, either online, by phone, or in person. If you purchased Lufthansa flights from an online travel agency or brick-and-mortar travel agency, you should contact them to inquire about cancellation policies and procedures, as well as refund eligibility.

[ Use our flight cancellation guides for Expedia, Travelocity, or Orbitz ]

Cancellation policies and fees

Does Lufthansa have a 24-hour cancellation policy?

Lufthansa permits US customers to cancel flights purchased in the previous 24 hours and receive a full refund, without a fee or other penalty, as long as the departure date is at least 7 days from the purchase date. If you do cancel a flight within 24 hours of purchase, make sure to keep all emails from Lufthansa that indicate when the flight was cancelled.

Can I cancel Lufthansa flights more than 24 hours after purchase?

You can cancel Lufthansa flights anytime up to 24 hours before the first flight’s departure time. Most flights purchased from Lufthansa can be cancelled online, including flights that have been paid for with cash and flights that were booked by telephone with the airline’s reservation center.

Whether a Lufthansa ticket is eligible for a refund or free flight changes depends on the fare type that was purchased. “Flex” fares allow free refunds and flight changes. All other fares are non-refundable but allow free flight changes, except for Economy Light fares, which can be changed for a fee.

How much does it cost to cancel a Lufthansa flight?

The cost to cancel a Lufthansa flight depends on the type of fare that was initially purchased. Free refunds are only allowed for Flex fares: Economy, Premium Economy Flex, Business Flex, and First Flex. There is a per passenger fee of $500 to receive a refund for First Basic Plus fares.

All other fare types allow flight changes (rebooking) for free except Economy Light, which costs $199 per passenger to cancel and rebook.

How do I cancel a Lufthansa flight?

You can quickly and easily cancel most Lufthansa flights online. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the My Bookings section of Lufthansa’s website.
  2. Enter your last name and the booking code from your ticket.
  3. Click the “Cancel” button next to the flight(s) you want to cancel and confirm on the next page.
  4. Check for the cancellation email from Lufthansa.
  5. If there is no “Cancel” button next to your flights, your flight can’t be cancelled online.
  6. If you don’t see a cancel button or don’t receive a cancellation email, contact Lufthansa by phone.
  7. For flights paid for with cash, Lufthansa will contact you for bank account information in order to issue the refund.
To cancel a Lufthansa flight, begin by selecting the "My Bookings" option.

How to place a Lufthansa flight on hold for 24 hours without payment

If you need time to make up your mind about purchasing Lufthansa flights, you can place them on hold for up to 24 hours without paying for them. To do so, book the ticket directly with Lufthansa’s telephone reservation center.

If you cancel the reservation within 24 hours, no payment is required nor penalty assessed. If you choose to keep the reservation, be aware that Lufthansa charges a $20 fee to book directly by telephone.

What is the cost to cancel a Lufthansa award flight?

There is a fee of €50 to cancel most Lufthansa award flights that have been booked with Miles and More miles.

How do I cancel a Lufthansa award flight?

If you need to cancel a Lufthansa award flight, contact the Miles and More service center.

Cancelling a booking with multiple passengers

If you cancel a Lufthansa booking with multiple passengers, the entire reservation and all passenger tickets will be cancelled. To cancel flight tickets for one or more, but not all, passengers on a single reservation, contact Lufthansa’s telephone reservation center.

Refund policies

Can I get a refund if I cancel a Lufthansa flight?

If you cancel a Lufthansa flight, you can request a full refund if the fare type for your ticket is Economy Flex, Premium Economy Flex, Business Flex, or First Flex. For First Basic Plus fares, Lufthansa charges a fee to cancel and receive a refund.

All other fare types are non-refundable, but do allow you to change the flights for free, except for Economy Light fares, which Lufthansa charges a fee to rebook.

How to request a refund for Lufthansa flights

If you cancelled flights on Lufthansa and they’re eligible for a refund, here’s how to request it:

  1. Go to the My Bookings section of Lufthansa’s website.
  2. Enter your last name and the booking code from your ticket.
  3. Under “Flight Details”, use the “Request refund” link to access the request form.
  4. If you can’t request an automatic refund online, you can use the form here to request your refund be processed manually. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the refund request form.

Are Lufthansa upgrade fees refundable?

If you paid to upgrade your seat or cabin class on a Lufthansa flight and subsequently cancel your ticket, the upgrade fees are not refundable, even if you purchased a fully refundable fare.

How long does it take to get a refund from Lufthansa?

Refunds for passenger-initiated Lufthansa flight cancellations are issued within 7 days for credit card purchases and within 20 days for purchases made with cash or check. It may take up to 10 additional days for your bank or credit card company to process the refund.

How are Lufthansa refunds issued?

Refunds for cancelled Lufthansa flights are issued to the original form of payment. For cash payments, Lufthansa will contact the passenger for bank account information so a refund can be issued.

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